Haiku Cycle Requiem for the Indicator/Signal Light

Haiku Cycle Requiem for the Indicator Light

The dusty stick on
the left of your steering wheel
is your signal light.

You won’t shoulder check
So signaling is the least,
THE LEAST, you can do.

Click. How hard is that?
Click. There, I did it again.
Click. See how easy?

I’ll bet you can drive real fast.
Signal to turn, dick.

You drifted four lanes
when you made your right hand turn.
That is incorrect.

On the wet spring grass
I am under your Hummer,
dead. Fucking signal!

A traffic circle
speeds up the flow of traffic
when you signal, douche.

If you care enough
to pimp your Ford Probe, can you
afford to crash it?

Proud of your red truck?
It almost wasn’t red, but,
charcoal wreckage black.

Hey, Seriously,
How goddamn tricky is this:
Click left, click, right, DONE.

Workout Plan in 5 Parts:

Have you heard about
the signal light workout plan?
It is too easy.
No, really, Gary
got all kinds of fat trying
to lose weight that way.
I saw him crying.
Lost his wife and dignity.
He is still obese.
Too few calories
Are consumed by signaling
to lose any weight.
the problem is: Signalling

Author: RobbieRobTown

RobbieRobTown garners amusement like Jennifer Garner garners garn. What? You said it, you make sense of it. No, YOU said it.

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