Killed by Fark (and it feels so good.)

We apologize for being down for a day and a half. We received a notice from our shared hosting provider, (let’s call them…. bluehost), notifying us that due to far too many hits in a short time, our account (and the other accounts hosted through us) had been deactivated. A half hour long support call later, and it looks like we have the following options

1) Don’t get too many hits at once (next time, no coming back)
2) Find a dedicated server that can handle the traffic

Our problem is essentially that we only see that kind of traffic from after they feature one of our posts (and let us be crystal clear when we say that we LOVE getting the hits, we have no grudge against them for destroying our bandwidth, because those folks, and folks like them are the reason we have The Correctness). Dedicated servers are certainly more pricey than our current set-up, and we’re in the process of checking out options, because Option 1 is not an option. We’re not trying to hide from viewers, we’re trying to attract them.

If you’re a regular, thanks for reading. If it’s your first time here, welcome, have a look around.

We’ll keep you posted on our progress. If you want to help us out in some way, remember that we have ads on the site…


Author: The Correctness

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