June 15 is “I LIEK CHOCOLATE MILK!” day.

ON JuNe 15th everybOdy on the FUcking planet is going to change their facebook status to say “I LIEK CHOCOLATE MILK!”. because I goddamn said so.
Why are we having “I LIEK CHOCOLATE MILK!” day? Like you hAve anything else more fucking important to do with your life? Do you not like chocolate milk? I’m lactose intolerant, and evEn I like chocOlate milk. I even like mispeling simple wordsa so that’s also why we are, the fuck,  doing it. Or maybe it’s for charity or some shit, who are you to question me? It’s motherfucking “I LIEK CHOCOLATE MILK!” day on June 15th, and suCk my BaLls if you wanna complain, you asshatballsack.
It’s not even my joke you bunch of fuCking knobs. SoMeBody posted it on a comment feed, and another friend thought it was fuNny. And it is funny. iT’s some MEme or some shitting.  You make your fucking status say “I LIEK CHOCOLATE MILK!” for charity goddammit, because otherwise the children who have Alzheimers will DiE, and if not all of your friends dO it and pass it on then you will grow an extra ball, even the LADies, and you will have a ball more than you want, 3 or 1.
Fucking do it because it’s fun, you fucking suck you bunch of retarded squirrel fuckers, i hope you die from a tornado blowing you through a sandpaper factory, unless you fucking join in.
Are you too weak to make your status say “I LIEK CHOCOLATE MILK!” or some shit? Because you know what happens to wealkings? tHey get punched in their extra ball, HARD.
June 15th is motherfucking “I LIEK CHOCOLATE MILK!” day, you shits.

Author: RobbieRobTown

RobbieRobTown garners amusement like Jennifer Garner garners garn. What? You said it, you make sense of it. No, YOU said it.

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