And the Winner is….

Our contest winner is announced!

The contest…we had it awhile ago. Remember, the advice thing? Win dinner with the Correctness?

Doesn’t ring a bell? Well, rest assured, we had one. We asked for advice questions and offered the winner dinner with the Correctness.

Of the many entries we got (and by many we mean 6) it was hard to choose a winner, they were all great entries. Special mention goes out to Amber Northcut, whose question about Batman vs. Wolverine inspired our most popular feature, the Superhero Smackdown. Thanks for the idea, and thanks for sleeping with a nerd. It’s a tough job, and someone has to do it. You are taking one for the team, Amber.

But the winner is…LAME!!

No that was her acronym, we aren’t making any kind of a value judgment there. LAME is not only the winner of dinner with the Correctness, but also a fairly accurate description of the aforementioned prize.

Get in touch LAME and we will make some arrangements for that dinner

(Please note, the Correctness is not to be held responsible for any sexual harassment the winner may receive from Robbie Rob town)

Author: Tbinns

Tony is a stand up comedian. Tony is a writer. Tony is a sketch comedian. Tony defines himself by what he does. This is due to poor self esteem. He is horribly opinionated and prone to boogers.

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