A Look Back at the Past

The Correctness likes to take a pause every once in a while to look back and see what things were like, how the past gets us to where we are now. Today’s installment comes from admin_rock, who brings us a sentimental look back at a time we like to call “1 to 2 pm today”.

It was a memorable time, a time of wonder, of prosperity, of growth. It was a time when things were simpler then they are now. It was a time filled with hope, with excitement, and wonder. It wasn’t all good news though, there were hard times to be sure, when things didn’t go right.


The economy of the last hour was troubled. A double whammy of a visit to the cash machine and the purchase of a lunch, combined with the lack of income over the hour left financial analysts shaking their heads. Forecasts seem better for the immediate future, but things were not all sunshine and handjobs. (ed: This COULD have been “Sunshine and Roses”, or “Sunshine and Lollipops”, but after a brief discussion, the parties involved preferred handjobs to either alternative.)


Culture was to be found throughout the time, and held sway until the end of the era. Not only was music to be heard throughout the hour, but access to the internet was unfettered for the last half of the time frame. Many websites were visited, and there was a general feeling that Joseph Gordon-Levitt kicked ass on Saturday Night Live. It wasn’t all good news, as the trend dipped negatively for “New Moon”, with the indication that it was really, really terrible, and only 13yr old girls and spinsters should view it.


Sports were of minimal note during the hour, with only a single reference to a football game occurring in the distant past.


The time began on an upbeat note, with the acquisition of Chicken Pesto Penne. Not only did this quell the rising hunger trend of the past, but it also provided a pause for thought and inner reflection. There was a time of great joy when contact was made with families over the phone, and laughter over the confusion of infants using said device. Toward the end of the time though, there was an indication that things were heading towards a more serious future, complete with meetings.


This was the hour that the world looked on in amazement, as Dean Walton, from marketing pulled off a shocking lunch hour coup and seized power long enough to sign for a package. This shocking power play was cut short when management returned from their extended lunch meeting.


None of us can say for sure what the future holds. The best we can do is make educated guesses. It looks as though the near future will be a time of solemn reflection and attention to tasks, as well as a near total lack of food. Following that, time spent at the gym seems to be looming. Also, indications point to short periods of travel, followed by an end to the famine in the form of dinner.

Author: admin_rock

admin_rock is a media junkie who builds things with LEGO. His best work is done around a table of mildly interested dinner guests. follow him on twitter @Brickwares. And click the ads, k?

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