Updated Smackdown Brackets

So…Here’s the thing…(Where? You added the Thing?)

No we did not add the Thing. But thanks to your feedback we did make yet another line up change. We thought writing about Robin would be a hoot. You thought reading about Robin would be akin to having your eyes sliced thinly with a razor like the garlic in Goodfellas. So, we have booted him out. Now it’s your turn, who do you want to face Kitty Pryde A.K.A. Shadowcat? Let your voice be heard.

And what is that other Question mark? Well Rob is the deciding vote on Wolverine versus Spawn and he has yet to weigh in. He is elusive, like the Sasquatch, or the Loch ness Monster he will be talking about extensively at “In Search of With Rob Mitchelson” at Loose Moose Theatre Friday September 25th. (That was a rare sighting of the Cheapplugasuarus)

He is small and weak willed, so you still have time to bully him into the result you want by being derisive to him in the comment section.

Next week, Cap vs. Wonder Woman

Author: The Correctness

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