7 Tips for “Going Green”

Gas prices are on the rise, and the environment isn’t cleaning itself up. The Correctness feels your pain, and we’re here to help. Today, we present a list of tips and ideas for making your life and home more eco-friendly, so you can feel better about yourself, and help the earth a micro-smidge ( that’s a micro-touch to our American friends!!) while you’re at it!



Want to lower your cost at the pump? Try these simple ideas! Place a brick in the tank. Simply crack open your gas tank (when it’s empty!!!!) and put a regular brick inside. This will lower the amount of gas used. Alternately, try filling up to half-full, then filling the rest of your tank with water, and perhaps some baking soda, which will clean the engine while you drive. You’ be saving the planet, and adding some clean exhaust to the environment!



When I’m done with a ketchup squeeze bottle, or a milk jug, I simply slap a label on it, and mail it off to the manufacturer. (Be sure to clean it out first!) That way, they can simply reuse the bottle and not have to make as many. Some items might be tricky to fit in your standard mailbox, in these cases, I like to hang them with “found string” beside or below the mailbox, to help the mail carrier. To avoid high postage, try making your own stamps (easy! paper, vinegar, baking soda and water!)



Why spend money, time, and gas water heading out to the local store to buy a new hammer or screwdriver, when you can make these things easily and cheaply in your own yard. Simply start a fire (using extra wood scraps, fencing, etc) in a container, and add oxygen (gaseous only!) until the fire is good and white hot. (Keep the kids and animals back!!!)

While this is happening, begin digging down through the clay layer until you reach some very hard surface, the “bedrock”. You’re looking for Ore, which will be shiny and metalic-looking. When you’ve found it, you’ll need to extract it, using a pick or rock-axe. You can make these yourself using the process above. Once you have a tool-sized chuck, drop it in the “furnace” and wait until it’s good and hot. Then, simply hit it with other rocks or a hammer until it resembles the tool you need. You’ve saved money, gas, and aren’t relying on others!



Try replacing things in your home that take materials and effort to create. By not buying things, you’ll be making a real difference. Traditional sheets use about 5 cubic metres (that’s 4 miles to our American friends) of cotton or synth to make. If the kids don’t like Fruit Roll-ups that much (who does?) use the extras to start forming sheets and pillowcases. They’ll look fun and colorful.



Most Shampoos and Conditioners are loaded with chemicals, some even contain arsenic! Avoid all this by making your own at home.

Shampoo: combine equal amounts of Baking Soda, Water, and Vinegar, and add your favorite flower or herb to add a refreshing scent! (I use solder mixed with basil!)

Conditioner: Simple. Water, Baking Soda, and Vinegar can be mixed together to create a silky paste for your hair. Try throwing in Vanilla extract for extra body.

Shaving Cream: A combination of Vinegar, Water, and Baking Soda will create a frothy mixture of suds perfect for shaving! To add to your savings, throw out that multi-blade razor, and either use the “individual tweeze” method, or use small thumbtacks to dislodge the hair at the root.



Ovens use a LOT for power, and waste heat. The average home loses 234 gigakilos of heat every month from the oven alone. You can cut this down by relying on Father Sun to get the job done. Simply place the desired food in a container (preferably something homemade, or a shoe?) and place in the hot, hot sun. After about 15 minutes, the food will feel warm to the touch, but it’s not done yet (Unless you want e-coli… A great weight loss idea, btw!). Give it another 20 or 30 mins. Chicken should appear pasty white on the outside, and look “medium rare” on the steak scale inside.



Clean water is a real issue in this day and age. Why spend money and time and the inevitable postage on plastic water bottles when you can make your own water at home. It’s easy, and the kids can help (Don’t let the kids help!). Nothing could be easier. First, find a big container, 5 Litres or more (that’s 19 Gallons to you Americans!) Next, you’ll need some Hydrogren, and some Oxygen. Simply add both to the container, and stir until they combine at a molecular level. For extra flavor, add lemon slices!

Got any tips? Share them below, and we’ll credit you in the next article (we’re never, ever going to!!!) Thanks for reading, and happy greening!

Author: admin_rock

admin_rock is a media junkie who builds things with LEGO. His best work is done around a table of mildly interested dinner guests. follow him on twitter @Brickwares. And click the ads, k?

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